Two days full of talks related to the world of innovation and technology applied to all areas.

The sessions open to all audiences of the sixth edition of the Maker Faire Galicia will take place on November 21 and 22. In addition to the activities and workshops, we will have a selection of the most innovative projects in the maker ecosystem, with which you can connect online and interact, and numerous super interesting talks.

These talks will begin on Saturday 21 in the afternoon with “Do It Yourself holograms” given by Asier Marzo (professor at the Public University of Navarra). Next will come Javi Serrano (co-organizer of the NeurotechX Chapter in Galicia) and Rocío Lozano (co-founder of the NeurotechX Chapter in Galicia) to talk about NeuroTech Galicia and how this community related to neurotechnology works.

After NeuroTechX Galicia we take a leap into the social sphere, where María Noguerol will talk about Cosiendo el paro, a social project directed by Manuela Carmena and herself, in which she pursues the social and labor integration of people in situations of exclusion or loss of freedom. Following in the wake of María, next we will have Noemi Barrientos (founder of León Startup) who will tell us about the interesting entrepreneurship program of the Roberto Rivas foundation, RR_dTerritorio, in which they propose the resolution of challenges through technology to undertake in the Galician rural.

We will close the day on Saturday with a table on Game Makers, where we will analyze the role of video games today and how they have evolved. This table will be moderated by Luz Castro (Founding Partner of imaxin | software) and formed by Manel Fernández (developer of graphic adventures at Akkad Estudios), Carla Bolaños (UX designer at Digital Monster Collective), Juan Gestal and Alfonso Iglesias (creators of Pixfans ).

The next day, Sunday 22, in the morning we will have an interactive table entitled “Bioheroes: The importance of communication and collaboration in Bioeconomy.” Beatriz Palomo (Head of the ASEBIO Projects and Health Area and Coordinator of the Spanish Biotechnology Platform) will be the moderator and will participate Beatriz Noya (USC), Marissa Bordallo (World Courier), Ángela Ruiz (Atipical), Bosco Emparanza (MOA foodtech) and María Iranzo (Complutense University of Madrid). In it they will delve into this topic and the relevance it has for the access of bioproducts to the market. Be one of the first 10 registered and receive a Bioproducts Kit.

In the afternoon we will have Maria Baqueiro Vidal (responsible for Sustainability of the SINSAL SON Estrella Galicia Festival) in the talk “La senda circular. culture and creativity for transformation”. After this talk on circular economy, we will now talk about low-cost solutions for independence in functional diversity with Thais Pousada García (doctor in the research group of technology applied to research in occupation, equality and health at the UDC).

The final table, whose name is Makers vs. Covid, will address precisely the issue of the action of the maker community in the face of the pandemic situation we are facing, from the state of alarm until now and what are the future prospects. This table will be made up of José Gago (co-founder of Cooperavirus), Álvaro Rey (CEO of Makergal), Iraisy Figueroa (Coordinator of the Coruña area in coronavirus makers) and César García (Creator of the maker hour, of the AIRE forum and co-founder of MakeSpace Madrid).

We will end the sixth edition of the Maker Faire Galicia with an awards ceremony for the projects most voted by the public that will receive an award by categories: minimaker (up to 16 years old), maker (over 16 years old) and scientific dissemination. In addition, the organization will deliver the now traditional Merit Maker, which recognizes every year the good work of a maker and the impact of their project on society.

Photo: Agencia SINC