Data Protection* In accordance to the provisions of the legislation on data protection and specifically the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, informs you that the personal data provided to us will be incorporated for processing in automated files, whose responsible is DESIGN THINKERS & MAKERS SL The purposes are those corresponding to being able to carry out and manage the Maker Faire Galicia event, as well as to carry out advertising communications for the event. The processing of personal data carried out by Maker Faire Galicia responds exclusively to the purposes established above and corresponding to those that were required. Being legitimized to the treatment by giving consent by accepting these conditions. The time of conservation of your data will be that corresponding to the duration of the relationship, or until you exercise your rights of deletion or cancellation. These data will not be transferred to third parties without the corresponding prior consent, or outside the legally foreseen cases. You can exercise your rights of access to your personal data, rectification or deletion, limitation of its treatment, opposition to treatment or data portability by contacting the data controller at the following address: Rúa do Tambre, number 61, CP: 15704, Santiago de Compostela. Or also to the following email address: Likewise, you are reminded that you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.
Descripción para la web* Texto para publicar en la web de la Maker Faire Galicia y en sus redes sociales. Explique a todos/as los/as visitantes su proyecto (250 - 300 palabras).