Using virtual environments for physical and cognitive skills work
Vertical hydroponic cultivation
Immersive Virtual Reality on the difficulties of migrants
3D printing for everything you imagine
First virtual and augmented reality glasses that use the smartphone
Projects of the Robotics Degree of the Lugo Campus - USC
Low-cost electronic arm prostheses using 3D printing technology
Compact mechanical keyboard
Biomechanics from Numerical Simulation
3D Printers - Professional and Industrial Range
Shape-shifting wheelchair, affordable standing mobility
Bringing 3D printing to the pharmaceutical industry
Research and development of nanomaterials
Choripán and hot sandwich vending robot
Tera seeks to improve task efficiency and reduce occupational hazards
Control of environmental conditions in different physical spaces
IES de Ortigueira designs 2 light tables for the users of ASPACE Coruña
A model of the town of Ribadeo to put into practice everything learnt in this course
With electronics and basic programming, we learn about healthy eating
Design and manufacture of personalised liquornios adapted for people with reduced mobility
How to introduce home automation in hotels and boost its use
Wooden clothing and accessories
Devices that are capable of running on the brainwaves that we emit
We design paper aeroplanes depending on the type of flight
Natural cosmetics with natural, affordable ingredients
Through micro-controllers and a display made of LED arrays, we will see positive messages
Campaign to raise awareness of the need to find solutions to the accumulation of masks
Household plumbingde fugas nas tubaxes do fogar, detén a circulación da auga e alerta ao propietario
Design and plant a small hydroponic crop, using recycled materials
We want to demonstrate the feasibility of ionic technology in drone propulsion
Construction of musical instruments from recycled material that are connected to a Makey board
Controlled by Bluetooth via a sensor glove that is placed on the hand itself
Educational resource to work on mathematical concepts through microbit and a cardboard box
Periodic table with which you can interact
Making biomaterials from recycled materials such as coffee grounds, natural products, etc.
Portable generator that creates electricity by pedalling to charge mobile devices
Pedagogical and didactic tool based on games, experiences and daily life of the student
Domotised model used as a didactic model for teaching purposes
We promote environmental awareness and sustainability in the community using AI, VR and programming
We made hot air balloons out of paper, wire, paper napkins and wax
Inclusive video games, we look for solutions through different 3D adaptations
Experimenting with and teaching green hydrogen as a potential renewable energy fuel
Construction of a weather station and its measuring instruments of own production
Web application for recording maintenance and occupational risk prevention incidents
Design and manufacture of electric skateboard racks for educational centres
Raising awareness towards a sustainable and affordable energy transition
Network of semi-professional brigades carrying out actions against invasive exotic species
Presentation of mechanisms of cardboard, wood and 3D parts, automated with Arduino
Drones with solar panels for remote areas
Automated irrigation system, activated on the basis of measurements taken by a humidity sensor
We apply new strategies for the management of agroforestry systems in Education Centres
Technological solutions to everyday problems experienced by people with cerebral palsy
Robot that cleans solar panels from a 3D printer Obsolete, 3D designed parts
Small experiments with the XuvenCiencia experimentation kits
An app with which you can manage security in your building
We create replicas of film robots and design functional prosthetics for children
Prototype of a platform and puzzle game. The player will have to negotiate a ruined temple
We approach through new technologies to the study of birds and other projects
Creative house offering workshops, painting and drawing classes, workshops in nature
MIDI percussion instrument for playing, designed with open source software and hardware
I teach how to create illusionistic effects with electronics, book with videos and links
Soda can-sized satellite spout that can measure temperature, pressure and CO2
The CTI is the ONCE Centre for Technology and Innovation
3D design and interactive models
Board games in Galician
Handmade and 3D printed sculptures
Non-profit association for the care and integration of people with disabilities and their families
Popular science podcast about the Maker world
Board games made by children in Vermislab
Development of the video game After Juice: Animal Disco Mafia, where the player will control Tofu